We are grateful to the greater Dayton community for your ongoing investment in Montgomery County Ohio College Promise.Your gifts ensure that at least 20 cohorts of College Promise Scholars have the opportunity to attend college at little-to-no cost to their families.Through 2023, 656 College Promise Scholars have had the opportunity to participate in the program.
We pride ourselves on being good stewards of the funds you have entrusted to us.Along with low operating costs, each sponsored student generates seven and a half times as much support in college and university aid and federal and state grants.
As you consider giving, please remember the College Promise impact, where the county’s best and brightest underresourced students gain access to educational opportunities that will unlock their full potential.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Leveraging the Cost of a College Education
The $20,000 it takes to sponsor a College Promise Scholar generates an additional $35,000 in federal and state aid and $116,200 in college and university aid, with the student paying only $9,300 for their four-year degree.Multiple College Promise pathways exist at no cost to the student.
Thank you for your contribution. Please note, MCOCP is a component fund of The Dayton Foundation, and all gifts are processed through that website. Kindly click the ‘Donate Now’ button and you will be redirected to TDF’s website where you will be able to contribute to the MCOCP Fund (#3672).
Make a funding commitment by completing the form below:
Make checks payable to the “Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Fund” of The Dayton Foundation.
Mail to: Montgomery County Ohio College Promise
1401 S. Main Street, Suite 100
Dayton, OH 45409
The Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Fund is a component fund of The Dayton Foundation, a 501(c)3 public charity, and gifts to the College Promise fund are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.