Help us extend Montgomery County Ohio College Promise into the future
College Promise Friends,
I am happy to share that we have now met our $2.75 Million campaign goal. We would still like to grant everyone the opportunity to contribute to the campaign before we wrap up. If we can raise $3 Million, 2 additional students per year will have the opportunity to become College Promise Scholars!
Montgomery County Ohio College Promise set the goal to raise $2.75 Million in 2022, which will would help to extend the program through 20 cohort cycles. Thanks to outstanding community support from individuals and organizations, that goal has been met. However, by raising $3 Million, 2 additional students per year will have the opportunity to become College Promise Scholars! We are asking YOU to contribute to this great cause.
Leveraging the Cost of a College Education
The $20,000 it takes to sponsor a College Promise Scholar generates an additional $28,000 in federal and state aid and $109,200 in college and university aid, with the individual paying only $12,000 for their four-year degree.Multiple College Promise pathway exist that are at no cost to the student.
Extend the Promise Campaign
Montgomery County Ohio College Promise set the goal to raise $2.75 Million in 2022, which will help to extend the program through 20 cohort cycles.Thanks to outstanding community support from individuals and organizations, we have already raised 97% of that goal.In order to meet the remaining amount, we are asking YOU to contribute to this great cause.
To make an impact, Donate here, send a check, or make a Pledge below (or by Pledge Form). Please make checks payable to “The Dayton Foundation” and include “MCOCP Fund #3672” in the Memo.
Help Us Raise $3,000,000 Today
While we have reached our $2.75 Million Extend the Promise Campaign goal, we are extending the opportunity to give through September 22nd.
Remember to ask if your company will match your gift, so you can double the impact of your donation.
Please note MCOCP Fund (#3672) is a component fund of The Dayton Foundation, and we process all gifts and donations through their website. Kindly click the ‘Donate Now’ button and you will be redirected to the foundation's website where you will be able to contribute to the MCOCP Fund (#3672). Thank you for your support!
Make a funding commitment by completing the form below:
Make checks payable to the “Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Fund” of The Dayton Foundation.
Mail to: Montgomery County Ohio College Promise
1401 S. Main Street, Suite 100
Dayton, OH 45409 The Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Fund is a component fund of The Dayton Foundation, a 501(c)3 public charity, and gifts to the College Promise fund are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
The Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Annual Campaign is underway. We greatly value your charitable contribution in 2024 to further our mission.