College Promise News

Bottom Line Partnership

Nic and Chloe with mentor As we look toward the start of the 2024-25 academic year, there is so much to be excited about.  We have 55 new College Promise Scholars beginning their educational experience in high school and another 43 starting their college journey.  The path for all of our students will end with them earning a degree and having a productive career, hopefully contributing to the workforce right here in Montgomery County.

A promising development for our program is a new partnership with Bottom Line, an organization that now serves the greater-Dayton area.  Bottom Line works with degree-aspiring students from under-resourced communities to get into and through college and successfully launch a career.  All of our College Promise scholars are now eligible for Bottom Line’s free services.  

Bottom Line recently held its “Welcome Event” for the College Access Program that works with high school seniors to receive one-on-one guidance from an advisor throughout the college application and decision process.  Alongside the support provided by our staff, these advisors will prove instrumental in helping our students make an informed decision about attending college.

Nic YoungOn a personal note, I mentor a young man named Nic, who along with his sister Chloe, are part of College Promise and attend Archbishop Carroll High School.  When I first started working with Nic, he lacked direction in terms of personal and career goals.  I have seen Nic develop into a fine young man, who now has a plan moving forward and has taken the additional step to get connected to Bottom Line.  He and so many others will benefit from this service, which will feed into Bottom Line’s Success Program. This program follows students in college to help them overcome obstacles, persist, and eventually graduate with a career plan in place.

I am grateful for the support and leadership from the Bottom Line team, which includes Founding Executive Director James Cosby, Director of Programs and Operations Alexandria Burns, and Director of Development and External Relations Emily Broughton.  We are excited for our students to immediately benefit from these services and look forward to a productive partnership in the years to come.


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