College Promise News

End of the Semester Reminders

Students working at desksThe end of the semester is nearly upon us.  Either your student will be wrapping up the term before the Holiday Break or, for those that began school later, a week or two into the New Year.  Below are a few reminders about what that means.

Your student will be taking exams, each of which accounts for 20% of their semester grade (Quarter 1, 40% + Quarter 2, 40% + Exam, 20%).  This will be a new experience for freshman who did not take high school level classes in middle school, which can be intimidating.  Since exams are weighted so heavily, we recommend that you skip that week’s meeting, as your student will have a lot going on at that time.  If your student is taking an AP Exam, there will be a cost.  Please inquire further with the School Liaison.  We can also help with the cost by working with the school.

At the end of the semester, we will be receiving a copy of your student’s transcript, which will include an updated cumulative GPA.  Cumulative GPA is the average of all final grades, and students will likely have weighted (takes into account honors, AP, and CCP classes) and unweighted GPAs.  For the program, either GPA needs to be above a 2.5, but we encourage students to have a 3.0 GPA or higher.  Since grades are such an important part of the college-going process, we recommend you talk with your student about their new GPA.  In addition, the transcript will have attendance records and any tests completed (end-of-course exams, for instance), both of which are important discussion topics. 

Best of luck to you and your student as the semester wraps-up.  


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