Need for Images

Amaya Tekeste, 10th cohort College Promise Scholar, volunteering at St. Vincent de Paul.
As much as ever, we are in need of images of our students to be used on our website and other promotional materials. Normally, we would have access to schools and could take photos of student and mentor meetings, but that is not possible this school year. The good thing is that most students have a cell phone or access to a cell phone, which will take quality pictures that we can use for our purposes. Also, many of our students are involved in activities, where we can still see them in action.
Please have your student (or you) submit a 1 MB (2 MB or higher preferred) photo to This can be at sometime between now and the end of the year, or whenever makes the most sense based upon your student’s involvement. The photo above is of a student volunteering her time, which served as a great photo opportunity. Other areas of participation in school, community, or faith-based activities would also work well.
Underlying our request is our desire to learn about the great things College Promise students are doing. Additionally, when donors, volunteers, colleges and universities, school personnel, and others see the impact you have had on our bright and promising students, we can better tell our story. Our goal is to keep Montgomery County Ohio College Promise sustainable beyond these initial 10 cohorts.