College Promise News

Student Spotlight: Allora Hern

Allora Hern graduationAllora Hern, a 2018 graduate of Brookville High School, is part of the Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Program. Allora graduated from Miami University in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology.

Her favorite part about college was the ability to experience and enjoy other cultures and communities outside of her small hometown. She said, “College promise made my education and my time and Miami possible, and I will be forever grateful as I learned so much and gained so many important relationships within those short four years.

Allora plans to teach and hopes to work directly with hearing impaired students or students with disabilities. She said, “With the freedom to go to the university and find my career, I was able to forge my own path, which I know will make me happy.” We are thrilled Allora that was able to discover her passion through this opportunity.


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