College Promise News

Student Spotlight: Christine Breig

Christine - fullChristine Breig, a 2019 graduate of Northmont High School, is part of the Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Program. Christine graduated from Sinclair Community College in Liberal Arts and Wright State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Leadership.

Regarding her time in college, Christine shared that she enjoyed learning new information related to her interests. She said, “My degree programs forced me to step outside of my comfort zone. This allowed me to discover new topics that I am interested in.”

She valued her time in College Promise due to the support it provided. She stated, “College Promise allowed me to complete college without taking out any loans or accumulating any debt. My family and I did not need to worry or stress about affording the expensive fees that come along with college. It was also comforting knowing that I could reach out to the people who run the College Promise program, and they would do their best to help me.”

Christine is currently substitute teaching but has plans to work in a school district in the near future. Her ultimate goal is to use what she has learned to help young people. We know that with her educational background and experience, she will have the ability to positively impact future generations of students.


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