College Promise News

Student Spotlight: Ifeanyi Nwanọrọ

Ifeanyi Nwanọrọ - headshotIfeanyichukwu (Ifeanyi) Nwanọrọ, a 2019 graduate of Northmont High School, is part of the Montgomery County Ohio College Promise Program.  Ifeanyi graduated from the University of Dayton in 2023, where he majored in Communication with a concentration in Management.

Ifeanyi shared, “The mentoring program impacted me a lot throughout high school as well as my college career.”  His mentor, Mike Morton, has been part of his life for the past eight plus years, and Ifeanyi believes he has been crucial to his development.  He said, “There are so many values that I’ve learned from him, one of the biggest revolving around the importance of emotional intelligence and servant leadership.”

Ifeanyi took part in the Flyer Promise Program at the University of Dayton, where he developed new and long-lasting friendships.  He graduated with a degree in Communication and a passion for directing films and writing scripts.  He said, “I will give it my all to pursue my goals.  I believe wholeheartedly in my vision and will continue to take steps regardless of the conditions.  Doing this requires a continuous development of love for my craft, myself, and people.”

Ifeanyi has developed his own voice over time and with great support from his mentor.  After having graduated from college with this great opportunity, he has a clear sense of self.  We are excited to see what he will create in the years to come!  



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